I Never Thought It Could Happen To Me!
Crime hurts -- and it catches us by surprise. No one is ever adequately prepared for the experience. It can cause a loss of balance, equilibrium. Being the victim of a crime often requires that we reassess and change the way we encounter the world and even the way that we understand ourselves. We may question who we are, what life means and what is important in our lives.
No two crimes are alike and it is impossible for anyone to know exactly how you are feeling, unless you tell them -- and unless they are willing to hear you, to really listen. We care. We will listen to your story.
There are also resorces available in many locations throughout Northwest California which may be appropriate for you and we would be glad to hepl you to research which resources are best for you.
Contact Us
If you would like someone to listen to your story, and to refer you to an appropriate group in your area for a more in-depth conversation or other services, please call us at (707) 544-9080 or contact us via e-mail. Some services are also listed on the Resource Pages for each county.
For Victims and Their Families
From the National Organization for Victim Assistance:
Whether you are a survivor of violent crime or dealing with financial crime victimization, we recognize that all victims experience loss. While there are different kinds of losses, each can be profound, depending upon the perspective of victims and survivors. No one has to right to judge the impact of any given loss in your life.
Wherever you are in the process—from not being able to report the crime to a criminal conviction and sentencing—there are important things to know:
Emotional trauma is a common element for nearly EVERY victim. Some traumas you never ‘get over’ but you can learn ways to cope.
The US system of justice is not a speedy process, from before an investigation (IF you get one) to prosecution to incarceration of a perpetrator. The Justice System is deliberately slow at nearly every level. This commonly surprises victims who expect ‘swift justice.’
It is typical for victims to experience secondary trauma. Secondary trauma is emotional pain caused by the people and processes from whom victims seek help. This can happen because of the system’s slowness, incompetencies and just the fact that you are working with humans.
For more information, please consult the NOVA Website