Healing the harm caused by crime is everyone's responsibility, but it's reasonable to ask how best to serve those in need of healing. There are three ways in which you can participate in this ministry.
First, everything we do relies on prayer and, regardless of your present circumstances, you can pray for the healing and for those committed to the process. If that's for you, click on Pray, for sample prayers and suggestions for contemplation and meditation.
Second, healing the harm caused by crime sometimes requires material resources and donations to Catholic Restorative Justice Ministries can purchase those items helpful to our ministry. For instance, a donation of as little as $1 per day or $30 per month can provide Bibles and other uplifting reading material to five county jail inmates or could purchase a backpack for a child traveling to meet their parent after a long separation. All donations small and large are welcomed and all are fully tax deductible. For further information on how to donate or for information on the deductibility of donations, please click on Donate.
Third, healing broken hearts takes many hands, minds and talents. Volunteers come in all sizes, shapes and ages. Since there are many needs, there are many types of volunteering available. For more information about volunteer opportunities, click on Volunteer.
How should you participate?
It's up to you! Without YOUR HELP we can do nothing.
What can you do to heal the harm caused by crime? Crime causes many harms and there are many opportunities to contribute to their healing. No matter what your present situation, your help is needed.
We believe that the success of everything we attempt depends upon prayer. We rely upon the energy, time and talent of those who volunteer, and the generosity of those who can donate their funds.